Man needs

fish - done it, not good at it

hunt - ditto

fix a carb - understand rudiments, but have proven to be automotively incompetent

make a fire from just what's laying around - no Boy Scout, but I'll find a way

stitch an open wound without getting it infected - uhhh... some idea... I need to know more

know when, where, and how to trap and prep small game - does what the dog and cats bring in count?

I am sadly all too dependent on the 'kindness' of strangers.

change a diaper - "loads" of practice

plan an invasion - I've played Risk

butcher a hog - I've visited cattle slaughterhouses?

conn a ship - I'm a lifelong landlubber from the middle of the continent, except for my years on the shores of Lake Michigan; make it a Prairie Schooner, and I'll give it a whirl. Used to drive Dad's boat, though - know how to pull up a skier.

design a building - I once expressed a career aspiration to mom; she told me architects don't make money. I've designed a few places anyway....

write a sonnet - my college prof said I had no poetry in me, but I know when a pentameter is iambic.

balance accounts - can. ... need to...

build a wall - done it

set a bone - nope

comfort the dying - don't know how comforting I was, but....

take orders, give orders - done both in various roles, school of hard knocks

cooperate, act alone - prefer the former, too much of the latter

solve equations - they said there'd be no math

analyze a new problem - every hour, every day...

pitch manure - done that

program a computer - a touch of machine code on a z80, lots of utility BASIC et many al code

cook a tasty meal - after 40 yrs with the master chef, I've learned a bit

fight efficiently - efficiently. I like that. thus far in life, walking away, ducking, and a big stick have avoided most confrontations

die gallantly - if need be, I'll give it a go, but I'd rather go peacefully in my sleep...




"... not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus."
