Let Facts be submitted to a candid world

"...ultimately, the preservation of a 'free state.'"

Well said.

Occurs to me that the "free state" is the state of life in which free people desire to live, and do our very best to establish for ourselves and our descendents, distinct from Government, a burdensome necessity at best, also called "the State."

"The State" must be constrained to preserve our personal and familial free state. Should it come to pass that "the State" becomes corrupted (by Statists) and oppositional to our free state, our premier Right is to change, or, if necessary, replace the government with a form reflecting our free state ideals.

To replace the government is a last resort. Folks will put up with a lot in the hopes of changing a government for the better, but if change cannot be effected, eventually, the heap of pain motivates people desirous of a true free state to finally replace the government.

The communities of the United States where our free state is still understood have tried to be patient with the tyrants, but, regrettably, it seems the time has come to create new alignments. The administration of the current President, and those in many governments, are replete with traitorous tyrants implementing despicable actions, every one of which is designed to create an absolute Tyranny over these communities and the suppression of the free state.

To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.... well, no need for that among this crowd.