Less Than Four Feet From a Raccoon!

Sitting on the front porch of city house daughter is moving out of, checking the cell.

Peripherally I catch movement of to my left, cat-like.

Been a long time since I was less than four feet from a raccoon!

He growled. City raccoon wasn't very big, teenager-ish, I reckon. Then he waddled back around the house.

I wonder which of us was more startled.

Neighbors across the street setting off fireworks. Not just crackers, big skyworks. In small crowded-together houses neighborhood. Other folks screaming hey some of us have to work in the morning.

Down the block, mother yelling with kids around. All I can make out is F! every third word.

Pickup with no muffler and blasting radio drives by.

When you don't live in the city, you forget all this crap.

Good evening, friends.
