Jesus And the Shroud of Turin

This is only book-related by tying in with the Gospels, but it's Easter, and later in the thread, and our host announced he was off to church, so... from a comment I made on the ONT:

Documentary | Jesus and the Shroud of Turin
Daniel Bilodeau / YouTube 51:50

I've read about the Shroud for over 40 years, but learned a lot from this, including about biology (flowers & pollen on the Shroud), chemistry (limestone from the tomb), its history, and why the 1980s carbon dating "refutation" was invalid.

It's always tough to watch or read about analysis of the image on the Shroud. Uncontrollable dusty-eyed-ness for those of us who love Jesus.

Here's an article about the Shroud & facecloth:
Two Old Cloths
Binky, steynian

...If these two relics are original and authentic, they reveal to us a snapshot of two related moments from Good Friday, Jerusalem, most likely on Friday, April 3, A.D. 33. They show us the image of a body which has been tortured, crucified and killed, but a body which did not decay, and which somehow vanished from the burial cloths leaving a very unusual image on the Shroud, by means yet unknown and undiscovered....