It's been quite a year!

Was it here I read this joke? Hope not. A Muslim, a socialist, a homosexual, and a black man walk into a bar. The bartender says, "What'll it be, Mr. President?" [crowd groans]

Q: How many Congresscritters does it take to screw up our light bulbs? [A: That's not funny!]

If you took the total national debt in pennies and laid them side-by-side in a gigantic circle, they still wouldn't be big enough to fit around BO's ego. [h/t to Stan Lee & Steve Ditko, Spider-Man Annual #1, 1964, for inspiration on that one.]

It's been quite a year! My kids are all employed. I converted my vanity website and our old long-stagnant cafe-and-stage business site to modern-style content management. Some fifty years after I first spliced 16mm film together, I finally reached a life-long goal of editing video digitally. Also, I started following PoliNation (when I can). There were rough spots in 2011 -- really, really rough spots, some of the hardest in my life -- but here we are at the end of the year, still standing, however shakily. Persist we much!

Y'all have a happy 2012, and if I'm not seen much 'round these parts, imagine it's because I'm happily engaged in mopping up after 2011 and forging ahead toward success. Or sleeping it off.