Is too! Is too! a Heaven!

Oboy! We can has theological debates on Weird Univerts! Whatz nxt? Polyticks?

db_denver: "Is there a religion on this planet that really understands that equality of the genders is completely necessary? The world will never succeed until all religions recognize the equality of women and men." Sure, there are religious teachings that so hold. Old-time major religions... eeenhhh, not so much, yeah. "Religions" are innately conservative because principles believed to be based on perceived truth will only change when that truth is elevated. Individuals lead in matters of faith. You, me, anyone who believes as you've said, we're of the same "religion," kindred spirits on that tenet, at least, right?

And Cindy, you heatheren! Let me set you on the way of salivation!

Jesus is too, is too coming back! 'Cause he said he would! Just, on his own schedule, not Rev Billy Bob's. He's probably already been back, maybe often, on the sly, just to mess with people's heads. He also said, when he wants to go public, everybody'll get the tweet. So, no biggie.

There is too, is too, a Heaven. It's all heaven. I googled it and came up with proof!. Here and now is what you get today; a next life wouldn't be any different in that regard. So happens it's a magnificent Heaven, even here in the depths of one of those back alleys that's been unusually damaged and scarred. Behold the wise plan of the Almighty Creators: If our local scene weren't so uniquely, interestingly scarred and twisted, there would be no Weird Universe website, nor the WUvians we know and love! Amen!

"And there sure as heck aren't living sex dolls waiting for you in the afterlife once you've blown yourself to smithereens in the hopes of offing a few followers of a competing deity." Thank you, Cindy, for your insightful defense of truth, beauty, and goodness, the attributes of Deity in time and space. This truth ought to be be Kindergarten Humanity, much less Theology 100. I have it on Supreme Authority that the company in the afterlife is excellent, however.

[Note to the dim: all in fun. Any stepped-on toes, sorry. Stick 'em up to the screen were I can kiss them.]