I'm prejudiced against bigotry


"In general." Is that like, "I love humanity, it's people I can't stand" — without the "love humanity" part?

Kids, I'm not some liberal-metrosensitive nor a political correctoid; I recognize that people often speak or write, um, exhuberantly, and I can and do let a lot of verbal crap pass, in relatively harmless fun. (One couldn't hang around the locker room of Ace of Spades otherwise.) To detest the degenerates, harangue the half-wits, and castigate the creepazoids, individually and culturally, there are abundant reasons. Race is not one.

The worst thing about the constant cries of "raaaaacism" is how they mask and devalue actual racism (usually of the decriers). Also, how the racial-culturalists actually fan the flames of division and prejudice.

I might have reason to be prejudiced. I've been jumped & beat up by a gang of black yutes. I've been screamed at by a privilege-entitled gov't-employed black tenant ("step outside and we'll deal with this man-to-man," threatened the tenant's not-permitted live-in boyfriend - seriously). I've dealt with blacks in business who were plainly trying to rip me off and guilt-trip the whiteboy not to fire them. I was even denounced as a racist by a black kid at college, because I had no hesitation in using the N word, in passing discussion, albeit never as a pejorative (he later became my friend, telling me, "I had you figured for a white Southern bigot"). All irrelevant. That for every Thomas Sowell we might have ten thousand Hooded Trayvons is irrelevant.

I've been threatened by, ripped off by, and screamed at by far more whites than blacks. I just deal more with whites is all. If I were to hate based on race, there's an awful lot of liberals destroying our culture and country who look white to me.

Howevermuch I might despise some cultures or beliefs or behaviors, I could never hate blacks, or Muslims, or Vietnamese, or Koreans, or Afghanis, Germans, or Japs (nodding at the calendar being between Hiroshima and Nagasaki anniversaries) "in general," because, seeing each person as an individual child of our Almighty Creator, I cannot view people in Clots, as do the entitled, the dividers, the bigoted, the socialists, and the Original Divider.

Mostly, I could tell you about several blacks who are among the finest people I've ever known; folks I grew up with and loved, the good tenants; people who valued faith, family, work, and service. They are the proof of why I hate the evil of bigotry with all my might.

But that's just me. And I'm out of here.
