If He'd Quit Bleeding, We'd Repair His Ear

Pet thread! Pet thread! Yay!

I didn't read last week's thread until days later. Glad to be here while it's "live."

I mentioned several weeks back that our good ol' doggeh Gimli had bleeding from the anus. He was acting, not like he was in pain, but kind-of miserable and slow.

Vet was talking about colonoscopy, chemo, and "making him comfortable" - we weren't going to go the $$$ route for the old guy, though.

Vet suggested dietary changes to make passing poop easier - cut out the dry food, add pumpkin (!?!) to his food. We did that, plus adding coconut oil and diatomacious earth (good for parasites, I think Milady said), and Milady even gave him some homeopathic remedy. (Laugh if you like, we've had some apparent successes with homeopathics for pets.)

On top of the troubles at the back end, he also broke his left ear, ended up all floppy, giving him an all-the-time half-sad look. Vet said they could sort-of fix that.

I told Gimli, if he'd quit bleeding, we'd get the surgery to repair his ear.

Well, it's been a couple of weeks now since we've seen any blood. Wasn't really cancer? Was, but is in remission? Something worse has been internalized and he's about to keel over any day?

I don't know, but he's become much perkier, running, jumping into the car, doing his happy dance at meal time again. We're cautiously hopeful.

Now I may have to actually splurge on the ear repair surgery. Cosmetic, but I'd do it happily if he's well.

PS The cats found out about the pumpkin-coconut oil addition to the dog's food and a couple of them have been demanding their own, too. Weird.
