Humans Are Faulty, Law is Faulty, Judgment is Faulty

J.J. Sefton: Central west Africa, next to Nigeria.

Ah, thanks. Didn't want to risk crashing this flakey cell by doing something really intensive like looking up a map.

Now, what's TMZ? I know I should know that one, too.


The reason I want executions to be as swift and painless as possible is this: humans are faulty, law is faulty, judgment is faulty. That could be me up on that table and I might be innocent. Probability extremely low, but theoretically possible. So, if I am to die for the Rule of Law, which I support, then kill me, but just do it; hangman, be sure of your rope; marksman, strike me true; do not presume to extract vengeance upon me. If vengeance is needed, God said he'd take care of it.