Hillary of Many Faces

As I was working on the Hexadecimal Hillary video, I wondered if it was gratuitously disparaging - not that there's anything wrong with gratuitously disparaging; where would we be without, say, IOwnTheWorld's many wonderful gratuitously disparaging posters! - but it's not my style, you know, like not mocking the First "Lady's" unfortunate body type. It was when I got to the end and added the we came, we saw [not used], "he died [maniacal cackling]," I realized comparisons to Hexadecimal were not all that gratuitous.

As you catch a bit of in the video, in the ReBoot! series, Hexadecimal was shown always changing fixed, unmoving "emotion of the moment" masks, like the theater happy-sad masks, and she had no face of her own. Even more fitting.
