Heat, kitchen, door

Reading backwards up the thread, I run into...

GM: I realize some folks want to genuinely discuss posts and issues, but it's hard to have a discussion with one or two bonafide interlocutors while others shout hatred and bile. Quite simply, I don't have any interest in welcoming that kind of negativity into my life, and certainly not on a daily basis.

I'm tempted to say, whoa! the horde, the whole commentary system here has just been dissed, but I wouldn't mean it.

The broadly tolerant (but not too broad) policy and open forum format of comment areas like at AoSHQ is not for everybody. Heat, kitchen, door.

I've been in online groups for... eek, well over 30 years now? I've seen, good continuing communication amid the rabble takes a great deal of self-effacing wit, and ,what also helps is that ability not merely to turn the other cheek, but grace to turn awkward and indiscreet moments into uplifting and tension-relieving experiences for all involved (insofar as possible), utilizing wise patience, sympathetic understanding, and good humor. (I have long had the best mentor on that, but I remain a poor student, m'self.)

Although blasting back at people is another technique.

Generally speaking. I'm not too fond of hot kitchens.

But now I want some lunch.