Good Night, Jack. Miss You Already.

Morning, Glories.

Before I plow into the comments, here's this, which I mentioned on tree ONT:

Yesterday, 5:55pm CDST, Jack, 17yo big brendle shorthair, pet of many houses and two families, brilliant and mellow cat, passed away , in the arms of his best friend, our daughter, who had been with him continuously for about a day and a half. He leaves behind many friends, both two- and four-footed.

The Lord gives us these magnificent animal friends, and takes them away again, always too soon. Thank you, heaven. Good night, Jack. Miss you already.

And I have to add, that usually mean old overnight bunch had surprisingly many nice things to say in response. Guess you have to catch them at the right level of intoxication.

Okay, now to news. Did Gabe say Obama started the Syrian-Israeli war…?
