Folks Will Shell Out for Print

@votermom #285, two weeks ago: Mindful webworker, I am not a good judge of graphic novels, but if you decide to publish we will definitely add it to the AoSHQ list of books.

As weirdflunky noted, it's not really a graphic novel, although that was the format I had in mind when I started. The cartoons are just the introduction to the text. A format sure to throw off fans of both media!!

@votermom #45, above: You were asking if you should publish it, as I recall.

Wellll, daughter (who has been helping her ballet mentors get books edited, set up, and published) has suggested I consider the self-pub hardcopy route. That sounds like work, though.

Funny thing is, it is published.

It does seem folks will shell out for print, or even an e-book, but if it's just some story on a website with a donation button, not so readily. Nor would it be considered a "book" such as O'Muse or @votermom might list. And no Amazon reviews or stars. Just another webpage, which we all are used to being "free," right?

That's what I've pondered for twenty years of humble web self-publication. Of course, since I eschew advertising and paywalls, and don't promote myself much (or well), no surprise that I'm not making a living at it. (Understatement of the millennium.)

For fun, here's a short-lived daily comic I attempted back in 1996 which pondered digital-age creativity:

Mind Fuel