Firefox Still Works On XP?

Bitter Clinger: Firefox still works on XP? I am hoping to get my desktop upgraded to the 21st Century someday, but meantime, I could try that. Pale Moon won't play on XP, last I checked IIRC. I really haven't shopped around much.

I get deeply invested in my set-up. I am used to my browser's keystrokes, custom toolbars and buttons, RSS handling, all the ways it works. I used to be young and agile-minded. "New this or that? Let's try it!" Now I just want the software to work so I can work. I hate upgrading almost as much as moving.

Bigger fish bought up and killed off my HTML writing program (back before I moved to CMS), and my paint program (which I still use), and my business utilities (you'd laugh). I hit the wall on video editing

I think the only program that has kept right on chugging through all the changes is Forte Agent for email and newsgroups. But then, what that program handles hasn't really changed in decades.
