Disillusion, Foolishness, Human Nature

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...disillusionment (noun): the feeling typically experienced by a teenage girl when she discovers that a guy's proclamations of love were all just to get in her pants.... Now being experienced... by people under 30 who naively believed a slimy politician's proclamations of love and are suddenly realizing the screwing they're getting.

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We live in an age of enforced foolishness;

no water toilets that stink
clean air regs that prevent upgrades to electric plants
food piles in basements
government mandated bike paths on major roadways (for your health, of course)
government mandated mosquito breeding ponds

Any single person who believes that if agents had the capability to access content but not a single one ever did without jumping through all legal steps to do so has either never met another human being ever in the history of ever.... [RTWT]
