discombobulation, disinterest, and disingenuity

Don't read Atlantic, and as with most LaughingstockMedia, I wouldn't know about any of these guys were it not for blogs talking about them. But I suppose the Olde Mediae still have some kind of influence with the Olde Publick, which requires watching them; thanks, Ace.

From experience with how garbled communications spark kids' ire, Significant Others' ire (and tenants', and employees', and commenters'), my Confuse-ometer lit up yellow seeing Ace send this:

"Plus, of course, @conor64, his continuing deranged obsession with Palin's fake-preganacy fat suits and secret passageways at hospitals."

To mistake to whom Ace refers with the pronoun "his" is relatively easy, if you don't read the whole sequence. If you don't read well. If you're unthinking. If you're unclear why Ace put @conor64 in there. If you're emotionally-driven instead of actually using the intellect for its intended purpose.

No need to wonder whether Ace's correspondent is insincere or ignorant; discombobulation, disinterest, and disingenuity are joined at the cerebellum.
