Couples, Cooking & Cleanup

So, about cooking & cleanup... This is a tough one.

Milady is an excellent chef, while I'm only a passable cook (thanks to 40 years of learning from her). I do most of the clean-up -- it's mostly worth it as trade-off.

And she often does the larger and messier stuff anyway, like the hard-to-clean Cuisinart after making sunflower seed butter which we do frequently, or like last night, cleaning the oops-she-forgot-to-grease-the pan after making her excellent meatloaf.

Used about every measuring utensil in the house, though.

I left today before she and daughter were done making a cake. They had to clean up after that one. Later, though, I got cake.

She does all the ironing.... and, back in the day, handled many of the poopy diapers that would drive me out of the room retching uncontrollably. So I'm still paying back on that...!
