Churchin' up...

Churchin' up... hey, I'll probably go with Mom on Easter. I'm grateful dear old Father Rogers was there with some good answers when I was young and questioning, but most churches... um... never found one that fit. We've always home-churched, for the same reasons we home-schooled, necessity more than preference.

OTOH, Mrs & daughter & I just watched Blues Brothers again last week. That counts, surely. Truth. It's where you find it. Aretha still stuns. Hey, what was that link about the movie getting made? Didn't get to follow it.

But I must need something. Lately, I'm at about that stage where George was, when Clarence jumped in the river, except there is no Clarence. Actually, my relationship with the Spirit is probably more like that scene in Mysterymen when they're being trained by the Sphinx. Mr Furious says, I see why you want me to do x y z, but why do I have my feet in watermelons? The Sphinx looks down and says, I don't remember telling you to do that.
