Assuming Romney, who <em>would</em> he pick for veep?

Assuming Romney, who would he pick for veep? My thinking has been going this way (and the pessimism may be a condition of this cold or whatever I've got).

Sarah? Good Heavens, no, as if she'd take that a second time anyway.
Santorum? Even less likely.

Any Constitution-defending anyone? West? Jindal? Rubio? Ryan? No, no, no, and probably not. Who's left out of the runners-up? Newt? Would he even take it? Romney/Gingrich -- it's as if they ran McCain/McCain! (Two pro-bama health care Republicans? It's come to this? Really?)

Beyond that, anybody's guess. A dramatic choice like Rice wouldn't take it. Bolton might, but he won't be asked and the Left would treat him like the second coming of Dick Cheney (and they'd be about right - heh).

Maybe someone right-wing but still acceptable, like most of the Oklahoma congresscritters. But, sadly, I see the WIN receding more and more into the distance as I contemplate, well, Romney/anyone to start with.

Our only hope may be that the chip in O's head will fry so badly he'll do something so outrageous, he won't make it to the convention. But then what will we have to run against? Shrillery/Biden?

And with four more years of the Manchurian President, all I see is, hunker down, stock up on food, water, ammo, and barter-able goods, Short wave radios. Harder times ahead. Even if it doesn't all collapse dramatically, it's going to be a long politically-nuclear winter.
