Are we a nation or a nation of nations?

Somewhat random musing:

Are we a nation or a nation of nations? (Harks back to my childhood, wondering why there weren't fifty seats for us in the United Nations.)

That one state might go rogue and fail, entirely possible. That fifty states might go rogue and fail simultaneously, less unlikely. As we are seeing, although the infection is widespread, it is not universal. It may be mostly symbolic, but, in the past week, Oklahomans have welcomed Cruz, Lee, and Palin, while keeping Holder out.

The problem is the chains that states accepted over the past, what, hundred-fifty. Those chains they started adding well before there were fifty states. Those chains that, when California, New York, and Wisconsin jump off the cliff, pull all the rest of us down.

It's hard to imagine that the protection of being many states can truly be overpowered. That said, the Nation of the United States... we really aren't united that much anymore, not in the good ways.