Ah, time for me to lead the slowdown.

Ah, time for me to lead the midnight-Eastern slowdown. Must relocate myself, deal with the end of the day, and probably hit the sack rather than lurk on.

I got actual comments on my latest yoo-toob 40-sec video, Obama Blames Fall of Iraq on Video
and one comment appears to be a cousin of Dorcas Blumline. "Obama shows great leadership not getting involved in issues that are not vital to our nation...." Heh.

I'd use Ixquick for most searches, but Google has no match on image searches, often is the best on video searches, and worst of all, YouTube is Google. Also they're all up in my phone. Google are evil, but divorcing from them is going to be a task.

For tomorrow.

Good night, Gracies.
