A Really Old, Cold Breakfast

That looks really delicious. Like something Milady Webworker might whomp up. And possibly will, after she sees this.

("Whomp up": that's a specific technical culinary preparation term, for any non-chefs out there.)

We have many times photographed our breakfasts, where we actually sit at a table and the sunlight is good and the settings can look nice if you frame it right. @@ That is, I encourage Milady to employ her excellent photographic skills on her own plate while I go ahead and dig in. (Wait. Did I just type that out loud?)

It had been my thought to post our more photogenic breakfasts on the website, with description if not recipe, but "technical difficulties (please stand by)" have thwarted my efforts to get any of them posted timely, and it seems like, after a day, the dish has gone cold. "We'll post the next one." Ended up only posting breakfast once, thirteen months back, a turkey and cheese omelet and toast, which wasn't even that colorful (saved by the chili verde). (Nor even that good a photo. Oh, I see, I took that one.)
