5 civilized tribes

"This act moved the '5 civilized tribes' to federal lands west of the Mississippi in clear violation of existing treaties...."

One more step in the creation of The Land of the Red Man, the greatest of the United States. And they were exactly that, civilized.

That history lives here. The tribe's names are the main streets of the town, as Dad so long ago proudly taught me. A branch of the end of the Trail of Tears goes across our ranch, marked by a double row of trees, and we sometimes get visitors to the Cherokee graveyard here. I like tuning in to the Cherokee worhip services on Sunday morning radio. "Ho ta hay ha ho Jesus ha nah wah..." Pardon the pidgen Cherokee, I don't speak it. But I love to hear it.

The price was terrible, and damage persists, but from one of the greatest evils done to fellow Americans, God blessed the Cherokee and the Osage, and the rest, that their children live in a beautiful, strong, thriving state, and have effectively merged with the newcomers without losing their heritage. All who followed are blessed to have them here.

Casinos notwithstanding. (I miss the simpler days when their revenge on the whites was just the tax-free tobacco shops.)

Morning, Glories.