Puzzle Ace

Happy day to Bluebird and all the moms and grammas here, and those who have served in such roles. A dozen virtual (and non-allergenic) roses to all'a y'all. Pink and red mix.

Today Milady and I are at my mom's breakfast table, "helping" her with the Sunday crossword.

She's the ace. I'm just occasionally helpful with, say, a Beatles song title (two in yesterday's puzzle). She usually has more familiarity with pop culture references than I do. And just about everything else.

I access web crossword sites; she's concerned that her old, well-worn, duct-tape bound Mirriam-Websters will fall apart irreparably. Different tech!

(For the record, I don't think crosswords should be allowed to conjoin words. "IFEELFINE" is not a word.)

Now she's off to nap/watch golf. Sounds good to me. It's a timeless kind of day. I'm a fortunate son. She'll be 98 next month.
