Bullied Into Abortion

Closing old tabs, a couple of other items I thought might be of interest here.

Why I’m So Damn Pro Life (has a few cusswords like that)

On my birthday, a bunch of my friends came out, and i got exceedingly drunk. I ran into an old fling, nice enough girl. We had a one night stand.


How Cecile Richards Strengthened the Pro-Life Movement
"The outgoing Planned Parenthood president’s legacy can be felt on the other side of the abortion debate."


I usually don't comment on abortion, nor express my thoughts, because the whole issue is so very hard for me. I wasn't thinking about it at all in High School - it was still illegal after all - until the day a several-years-younger girl friend broke down and told me about her kitchen-table-top abortion and her horror that she was a murderer. Bullied into it at 12 or 13. Almost fifty years later I can hear her sobbing.
