Blog Heap o'Urantiana Links 18 April 2016

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Links regarding faith and belief
and men, women, marriage, and family life,
also sciences, the spritual and the 'supernatural,'
and, of course, Jesus of Nazareth.

Man and Woman

"Daddy, I Want a Penis"
Char Adams, People Mon 2016-Apr-18 2:51pm

Chris Hemsworth has a daddy dilemma.… … 32-year-old actor gushes about his young daughter, India Rose, and her envy of her younger twin brothers… "She was like ‘I really want one.’ I was like, ‘A penis?’ She was like, ‘I want a penis!’" …

Who was it told her daughter, if you're good, when you grow up, you'll get one; if you're bad (or very good?), you'll get lots of them?