Blog Heap o'Urantiana Links 4 October 2010

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Links regarding faith and belief
and men, women, marriage, and family life,
also sciences, the spritual and the 'supernatural,'
and, of course, Jesus of Nazareth.


Aliens have deactivated missiles!!
The Telegraph Mon 2010-Oct-4 11:02pm

Aliens have landed, infiltrated British nuclear missile sites and deactivated the weapons … The unlikely claims were compiled by six former US airmen and another member of the military who interviewed or researched the evidence of 120 ex-military personnel. [And is there a problem here…?]


"Up Close and Personal with the Urantia Book" by JJ Johnson
Marketwire Mon 2010-Oct-4 11:10pm

An expanded version of JJ Johnson's insightful book and study guide, Up Close and Personal with The Urantia Book has been released in paperback and is available at