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Radical Incline

VP Showdown 2012

What I saw going on between the candidates

Ol' Joe's mood was swinging like crazy during the debate.

One moment he would flame like a fire-breathing dragon,
Dragon Joe

then he'd turn around with that creepy-uncle smile.
Creepy Smile Joe

He exhibited his rare (thankfully!) sense of appropriateness,
Joke-Telling Joe

and indulged as always in magical thinking.
Magical Thinking

But in the end, bluster was deflected by Reason.
Bluster deflected by Reason

More Radically Inclined Vice-Presidential perception:
Animals debate — In the jungle, there's pretenders and there's winners.

Tip o' the Mindful topper to the Bluebird of Bitterness for linking this from Bob's great page collecting VP Debate graphics & video. Dead link 2018-Oct-30.

This pic sums up the debate, by Amy @CAAmyO Dead link 2018-Oct-30.
Same photo, with musical caption at Anna's Clue Tank
• During my research, I found a Biden-Ryan photo remix from August, by Big Fur Hat, at I Own the World. Check it out. Dead link 2018-Oct-30

Radical Incline

Lazy Man

Why would anyone think he's lazy?

Watch Michelle laugh when he says he's hard-working.

"Liberally borrowed" resources:
Andrea Mitchell Asks Sununu To Apologize For Calling Obama "Lazy,"
published on Oct 5, 2012 by adalrich00
Barack Obama: I Think There's A Laziness In Me,
uploaded by ElectAd on Dec 25, 2011
Choom poster
by Red Square on The People's Cube.

Radical Incline

Obama bows to Romney

If the natural order of things prevailed.

Obama bows to Romney

Radical Incline

DWS: GOP bad for Israel | Gone #4

You don't mind if I just make up any old thing to put in other people's mouths, do you?

I couldn't have said that, because it's not correct!

Mr. Oren himself immediately came out to deny the charge, vehemently. "I categorically deny that I ever characterized Republican policies as harmful to Israel."
—Joseph Curl, Washington Times
