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Radical Incline

Pondering Pistol Pete's Pix Playlists

Regarding Mindful's creating playlists of PoliNation's Pistol Pete's Pix

What A Hoot October 28, 2012 at 1:17 pm

Hey, Mindful, nice gesture but is there anyway a page can be set up for Pete to be his own? I know it is not your intention, but with your gravatar and your page, The Pete-isms look like they are from Mindful. Also, is conversation getting stifled or not being seen as people begin to go directly there to see the Daily? It is handy but I got thinking when I wanted to reference a vid I had seen in the Grudge but did not want to have scroll through the rest of the days posts to get find it, and just googled to get straight to your place. I realize I was encouraging about this but now that I got thinking and seeing Pete’s creativity may not be recognized to non-Polinators, I got all thinky on it. Again, I know the intention is one of friendship and undermining.

Mindful Webworker
Had thoughts of my own along those lines, Hoot.

I make the playlists for myself, originally to download, and post a link to it here since others might (and apparently do) find 'em handy.

I always credit the playlists' raison d'être. A Pix page link's visible on every playlist page. With playlists, not much else can be done.

I made the playlists to download the vids more easily, but I've taken to watching them online. (Single YouTube vid pages won't play right on my computer, but as playlists they will; go figure!) Pete's picks and his sequence have fans at our house!

Ideally, in that world where we all had endless time and bountiful technical expertise, Pete could build his own playlists on the PoliNation YouTube account. I know exactly what kind of hassle that can be, though!

A single embedded playlist cuts down on "overhead" on a webpage, which might make a diff to some users. But Pete's comments are not available in a playlist. Well, at least, not without making something like little vids to put between each vid, like silent movie cards with Pete's comments on them. Believe me, I've thought about it.

Click to embiggen

Radical Incline


The very theme of Obama 2012 campaign!

The Reverse-Alinsky
Alinsky negative should be in UrbanDictionary.

The Reverse-Alinsky has become the very theme of the Obama campaign.

Kindergardeners know it as "I'm rubber and you're glue...."

Like every time Joe Biden opens his mouth,
Joe: Help! I can't shut up!
we just keep exclaiming,
"they really said that?"
"this is not the Onion?"

"are they trying to lose?"
and especially
"It’s kinda dumb of them to even mention it since it gives us so many opportunities to remind voters…!"
Resume binder or welfare roll?Biden lied, bishops cried foulObama chair fake presence

From Winning The Future

to binders of women,

the Obama campaign has been a Romney-Ryan PAC.

Romney's pension?

Whoops, Obama's is bigger
and, whoops! invests in China.

War on women? Whooops.
Obama's White House would be in violation of sex discrimination laws.
(Michelle begins at about 1:56)

Romney set records for seeking equality.

Might as well have tried that war on dogs thing again.

Pretending they meant act of terror right from the Rose Garden?

Whoops! Two weeks of video of all of them saying otherwise brakes their spin.

By the time they get down to projecting all their worst, most nightmarish intentions upon the other side,

they have beclowned themselves into a state of complete laughingstockery,
devolved to a state for which all but the blinded cultists just have pity and contempt.

And speaking of Reverse-Alinsky, here's
“Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.”
There is no defense. It's irrational. It's infuriating.
It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

(To the tune of Peter Paul & Mary's 500 miles...)
An empty chair / An empty chair / An empty chair / An empty chair
An empty chair because nobody's really there….

Radical Incline

Occam and the Benghazi Conspiracy

Conspiracy or stupidity, doesn't matter.

This started out as a comment on PoliNation, but grew and got transplanted here. The subject was, the murderous attack on the embassy at Benghazi was, as Aussie put it, "meant to be an incident which would end by Obama being considered as the great negotiator."

Three words: Blind Sheik.

Is there a name for that rule, don't attribute to conspiracy what can be explained by stupidity? Who really knows why Barbados was heavily fortified and Benghazi was abandoned? With the folks at State (Russian reset button!), it could be any kind of Utopian idealism, Bagdad-Bobbish there are no terrorists in Benghazi mentality, behind a clusterfluke of errors of judgment gone wild.

Next up the chain of possibility, though, practically has to be a really bad conspiracy that totally blew up in their faces. Not unprecedented for this Machiavellian administration. (Can you say Fast & Furious boys and girls? I know you can! ) In fact, the circumstantial evidence suggests the manner of conspiracy was heavily telegraphed, so much so, it sort-of overrules Occam's first choice.

If it seems unlikely that these people are so insane that they would even think of such a thing, much less attempt it, consider that this administration demonstrably values no life, foreign or domestic, born or unborn, that a classic symptom of this personality type is, not necessarily out to hurt anybody, but if it's necessary, not bothered one bit. A small-scale Carter hostage situation, a blind Sheik swap, ta-da, Obama is not-Carter, and the terrorists get their mastermind back. In O's mind, that spells, everyone wins. Then, the operation blew up, Obama got betrayed because, actually, everybody hates him but the Muslims, ironically, most of all. But the _residential arse is covered, it was all just this video, absolutely unpredictable that anything like this could happen on the 11th anniversary of 9/11. And the absurd story still is, the Administration had no idea it would happen and didn't know we had poor security at Benghazi.

To suggest they're as good at conspiratorial shenanigans as they are at sloganeering (Win The Future!) is to give them the benefit of the doubt. The alternative is they're totally incompetent altogether. Which is one of those "either way..." things, like Holder denying he knew about F&F. Either way, you're not the person for the job, to say the least.

Radical Incline

The Long and Winding Road to World Unity

I'd like to teach the world to sing, in perfect har-mo-neeee...

Nobel Prize awarded to European Union

One useless, failed lefty organization awarding a prize to another failed lefty organization, as some wag on Ace (I think) commented.

To cop a phrase from PJ Media's Roger Simon (on a different subject), no one "with an IQ in triple digits" would consider the "peace" prize to be anything but a sick joke, if not before, at least after BO got it for not being George Bush.

The European Union is so disappointing. When young, I had hopes that post-WW2 European nations had actually begun to bury the hatchets and unite. I recognized that their initial union had the same flaws as the small-u united States, lacking those functions and powers which America quickly understood were needed to make the USA a real nation (rather than a confederation of states, yet still balancing with the individual states' powers), but I imagined Europe could soon move up to real nationhood as we did. Alas, lacking America's cultural unity, still mired in divisive regionalisms, Europe got mired at that primordial stage. Worse, they incorporated with more the UN-ish idea of "rights" than the American ideals of liberty, and oligarchy-down rather than citizen-up form of government. The EU ended up being as unlike the USA as the French revolution was unlike America's.

Someday, there may come a real union for Europe. Also, Africa, and regions of Asia. The progression from tribes to nations to supernations (I skipped a few steps) suggests that, if humanity survives long enough, world government is possible, even an inevitable necessity. But as failed unions like the USSR and the EU demonstrate, humankind is more inclined to accept some type of tyranny than it is at all prepared for true liberty and self-governance. Even America is threatened with not being able to (hi, Mr Franklin) keep the Republic. The Armageddonist's model of imposed tyranny is more likely, and such world tyranny would not be easy to reform back to our ideals. Meanwhile, "wars and rumors."

The Stars & Stripes

Although I was pretty young, I remember the thrill when we added two stars to our flag. It seemed to my mind the nation was still "young," and growing. Well, we maxed out and crapped out in a lot of ways; it's not like we're such a shining beacon on high that the provinces of Canada and the estados de Mexico are clamoring to switch allegiance and add themselves to our star field, too. Nevertheless, the USA remains the unique historical model of national metamorphosis and the best model for states seeking unity, even world unity (God willing), but... not as the NWO folks think of it, not humanity as it is now, so, not at this end of this millenium, anyway. Meanwhile, USA peace through strength. Even though we won't get any prize for not being Europe.

This article started out as a comment response to The EU and the Nobel: Transnational Buffoonery, by Keiko Shimizu on Zilla of the Resistance.

Radical Incline

Animals Debate

In the jungle, there's pretenders and there's winners.

Animals debate

More Radically Inclined Vice-Presidential perception:
VP Showdown 2012 — What I saw going on between the candidates.

This pic sums up the debate, by Amy @CAAmyO
Same photo, with musical caption at Anna's Clue Tank
• During my research, I found a Biden-Ryan photo remix from August, by Big Fur Hat, at I Own the World. Check it out.
