Blog Heap of Links for the day 24 March 2016

Links in this view: 20

Wars and Rumors

…"I categorically reject the view of Democrats that the police are the bad guys. And people are fed up with this notion that every time there is an incident, Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton or Bill de Blasio side with the criminals, the looters, with the thugs, rather than the brave men and women of blue.
I’m proud to stand with the police!"…

11:51pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW

Digital Threat

Google has announced the launch of a cloud-based machine learning platform.

The search giant's new large-scale platform will be able to learn and make predictions 'across a whole variety of scenarios', and is reminiscent of the fictional Skynet service from Terminator.

A limited preview of the service is now available for users to build their own machine-learning models 'that work on any type of data, of any size'.…

What could go wrong? go wrong? go wrong?
7:09pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW

Nature can be Deadly

TIAWAH, Oklahoma …a rancher attempting to deliver a calf was dragged to death by the cow after he became entangled in a chain. …75-year-old man was using a calf-pulling chain to help deliver the calf Tuesday when something spooked the cow, causing it to take off running.…

11:32pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW

Spiritual Matters

A grieving woman went out for a cup of coffee over the weekend but ended up with so much more.…

11:24pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW

If you don't believe in God or a universal spirit, you're more likely to be callous and manipulative, according to a controversial new study.

Atheists exhibit more traits commonly seen among psychopaths than people who consider themselves to be religious.

However, believers aren't spared criticism - the study also found that religious people are less intelligent than their non-believing counterparts.…

11:12pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW

Business Wisdom

1. Don't mistake your vocation
2. Select the right location
3. Avoid debt
4. Persevere
5. Whatever you do, do it with all your might…

11:30pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW

Securing Our Borders

The number of arrests made at the border of people from Afghanistan and Pakistan is up significantly this year compared to last, the president of the National Border Patrol Council said when he testified during a House hearing on Tuesday.

Brandon Judd, who has also served as a Border Patrol agent for nearly 20 years, also told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s Subcommittee on National Security that he has witnessed U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials fudge alien apprehension statistics by low-balling the number of “got aways…” Judd began by denying what he says is the Obama administration’s claim that “the border is more secure today than it’s ever been.”

“As a Border Patrol Agent, I will tell you the exact opposite,” Judd said.…

7:12pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW

Breitbart is Here

Posters and cartoons
11:58pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW

Bush didn’t, Obama wouldn’t, but the next president should: Call into the Oval Office the leaders of Muslim communities throughout America to say…

Political and social llinks and summaries - lots of 'em
11:50pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW

Donald Trump, Uber-American:

Trump knows psychology. He knows facts don’t matter. He knows people are irrational. So while his opponents are losing sleep trying to memorize the names of foreign leaders – in case someone asks – Trump knows that is a waste of time. No one ever voted for a president based on his or her ability to name heads of state. People vote based on emotion. Period.

News and other links
11:35pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW

It would seem that modern progressives are exceedingly selective in what horrifies and terrifies them.

News headline and other links
11:28pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW
News and blog links
11:17pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed

A man named Mohammed Bhutta was seen wearing a balaclava and brandishing two machetes (some reports say meat cleavers) outside a private school in Glasgow, Scotland. He reportedly chased after a man and threw a machete at him. It took two policeman to subdue the attacker. Mr. Bhutta is now in custody, and has appeared in court. The incident has a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%.

In other news, a record two million immigrants arrived in Germany in 2015, the largest number recorded in a single year since the founding of the Bundesrepublik.…

News headline links and summaries
11:15pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed

In response to this morning’s terror attacks in Brussels, a Flemish man named Ivar Mol tweeted to his fellow teachers: “How can you continue teaching when Muslims in your class are cheering?” In response, three policeman knocked on his door and asked him not to post any more tweets of that sort.

In other news, a 7-year-old girl was raped by “refugees” in an asylum center in Germany. The young victim, like her attackers, was an asylum-seeker.…

News headline links and summaries
11:14pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW
News headline links
11:10pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW
News headline links
11:01pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW
News headline links.
8:59am CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW

…On this day in 1663 the Province of Carolina was granted by charter to eight Lords Proprietor in reward for their assistance in restoring Charles II of England to the throne. This became the States of North and South Carolina (it also included a number of other current States). The Carolina colony was the only one founded for strictly a profit motive. In order to facilitate as rapid a settlement as possible the Lords Proprietor invited settlers of all religions to come to the Carolinas. Their idea was to make money from the growing crops which had been successful in the Caribbean Islands.

Vic's early morning report in the early morning thread.
7:55am CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW

US Election 2016

Ted Cruz

BEASTMODE: Ted Cruz: 'Donald, you're a sniveling coward, leave Heidi the hell alone!'

Video: 0:19
11:07pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW

Heidi Cruz, the wife of GOP presidential contender Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), deflected a threat by Donald Trump to “spill the beans” on her during a brief press conference in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

“Well, as you probably know by now, most of the things that Donald Trump says have no basis in reality,” Mrs. Cruz responded to a reporter’s question about Trump’s tweet.

“So we are not worried in the least and [we are] focusing on our campaign, and we are going to continue to do that,” she said.…

11:04pm CDT Thu 2016 Mar 24 :MW