Blog Heap of Links for the day 4 March 2016

Links in this view: 19

Theory of Education

…Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words "We pledge allegiance to an International Flag."…

Then they sang The Internationale?
6:27pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW

Police Riot


…“The deputy came on to my property when nobody was home,” Angie Laymon told KJRH. “When my German Shepherd did his job and approached the officer barking, the officer shot him.” …she and her children were at church when the shooting occurred. …arrived home to find their dog, Bruno, bleeding on the porch from a gunshot wound. …“There’s a note on the door that says the cops shot him…” …bullet shattered his shoulder… will likely need to have his leg amputated.…

"He felt threatened." But why was he there at all?
6:32pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW

Political Theater

Dennis Prager, Mark Levin, Dana Loesch, Louie Gohmert, Mia Love, John Bolton, and more
8:22pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW

Spiritual Matters

Star Bright

…recounts the story of the amazing Eucharistic Miracle that happened in Argentina in 1996 in the Parish of St. Mary.…

Video: 8:08
10:38pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW

Animal Culture


New footage shows chimpanzees engaging in bizarre behaviour — which might be a form of sacred ritual that could show the beginnings of a kind of religious belief.

Chimpanzees in West Africa have been spotted banging and throwing rocks against trees and throwing them into gaps inside, leading to piles of rocks. Those rocks do not appear to be for any functional purpose — and might be an example of an early version of ritual behaviour.…

Orrrr… they might just be goofing around.
6:24pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW

History - still with us

Ninety years ago, Hollywood's "Million Dollar Baby" was a beloved star earning seven figures. But her career was over at age 6, and her family then squandered her fortune. THR catches up with the spry 97-year-old at her modest home in central California: "People said my performances changed their lives."…

"My doctor has a daughter who wants to be an actress… I'm always telling him to discourage her. There is no future in it. Unless you have good connections and start off early."

6:20pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW

Sex -- always attractive

People over age 50 who are more sexually active also have better memory and cognitive skills than people who get busy less often, a new study from England suggests.

Sex appeared to give men's brains a bigger boost than women's…

6:12pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW

Educating Ourselves

Dr Everett Piper

Oklahoma Wesleyan University (OKWU) president Everett Piper will receive the Kirkpatrick Award for Academic Freedom at the Ronald Reagan Banquet at CPAC Friday evening following his strong message to members of the university community that they have come to the Christian school to be exposed to adversarial ideas, not protected from them.…

7:16pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW

Breitbart is Here

Political posters and cartoons
8:12pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW

As always, many thanks to Caped Crusader for helping to compile this marvelous collection of visual commentary:…

Cartoons and posters, political and humorous
8:04pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW

• Today's masters of the universe are less likely to work on Wall Street and more likely to work in Silicon Valley.
• The Ultimate working lunch: Inside the envy-inducing canteens at companies like Dropbox, Google and Pixar that offer free food, extensive menus, and gourmet desserts
• Teaching economics to the sixth grade…

News links
7:53pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW

…On this day in 1913 the United States Department of Labor was formed.…

The Vic Report is at the tail-end of the Overnight Thread. Again.
7:36am CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW

US Election 2016

Three stooges

…Donald Trump and Ted Cruz were having a heated discussion about Supreme Court nominees at Thursday night's Fox News debate… Marco Rubio jumped in…

Classic exchange in a classless contest.
10:41pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW

Trailer for Dinesh D'Souza's "Hillary's America"…

Video: 3:09
7:31pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW

Wouldn’t you like to know why four Americans were murdered in Benghazi? …

Video: 30sec. BFH says, "HILLARY HATES: This Brutal New Benghazi Ad… So Spread It Everywhere"
7:22pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW
Ace of Spades

…[Trump] Kept talking about his hand-size and then, just when you thought this was getting weird, brought it back into a more sensible area by assuring the world that his penis size was sufficient for most.

He then added some substance to his foreign policy platform by declaring that he would force American soldiers to break the law and murder children.

On other issues, he was less reassuring.…

In Ace's unique, somber, subtle style.
7:02pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW

Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey… “What troubles me most is the way the stuff got from what’s called the SIPR-net, the secret network within the government, and that network doesn’t talk to any other network… So what has to have happened is somebody took it off there, and either transcribed it or summarized it, and then put it on her server. That’s very troubling.”…

6:47pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW

While stumping for Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton attempted to boast on behalf of his wife, praising her for establishing sanctions on Iran, but instead he got confused and said “Iraq.”…

It's not just Hillary who gets confused.
6:21pm CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW
Trump, Angry

…"Look at those hands, are they small hands?" the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination said, raising them for viewers to see. "And, he referred to my hands -- 'if they're small, something else must be small.' I guarantee you there's no problem. I guarantee."…

The national policy dialogue continues to sink lower and lower.
9:52am CST Fri 2016 Mar 4 :MW