Blog Heap of Links for the day 23 September 2012

Links in this view: 11


A filmmaker linked to an anti-Islamic movie inflaming protests across the Middle East was interviewed Saturday at a Los Angeles sheriff's station and afterward decided not to return to his home -- possibly heading into hiding

5:07pm CDT Sun 2012 Sep 23 :MW

[Video transcript]

Wallace: “But he does need the time to be on The View?”

Gibbs: “We have a strong diplomatic – I’m sure if he was doing an interview with you on Fox News, you’d have no problem with that.”

Wallace: “Well, he hasn’t, but that’s not the point.”

Gibbs: “I’m sure that’s not the point. No, look Chris, he’s got a strong schedule. He’s actively involved.”

4:48pm CDT Sun 2012 Sep 23 :MW
Scary O

Over the past few days I'm finding I'm getting a LOT of mileage simply by pointing out to ALL the liberals/progressives who infest my little corner of the universe that Obama has more direct responsibility for the killing of our ambassador to Libya than he does for killing Osama Bin Laden.

It's nice to see them slink away in silence - instead of their usual "You're just stupid!" rejoinder.

Posted by: alwyr at September 23, 2012 07:56 AM

3:44pm CDT Sun 2012 Sep 23 :MW
Bats, man!

Obama’s planning on freeing 1/3 of the terrorists in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba… is like Commissioner Gordon going crazy in a Batman comic book and deciding the Riddler, Killer Croc, Penguin, Mad Hatter, and Joker have been in a time-out for long enough and can go back to terrorizing Gotham now.

2:24pm CDT Sun 2012 Sep 23 :MW

The tower of $300-a-bottle Armand de Brignac Brut Gold, known as 'Ace of Spades' because of its label, is a permanent fixture at the club.

'It’s floor-to-ceiling gold bottles in the entire space,' a 40/40 representative told the New York Post. 'It’s beautiful—breathtaking. It’s the first thing you see when you walk in.'

The median income for an American family was $51,413 in 2011.

11:48am CDT Sun 2012 Sep 23 :MW

Big Nanny

Instead of solving the problem at its root by doing away with the Renewable Fuel Standards and letting market forces dictate what fuel is available, the merry band of bureaucrats at the EPA issued a mandate that any consumer buying gas at an E15 vendor, regardless of their individual need, must purchase four gallons or more. The idea here is that those purchases to the tune of four gallons and upwards renders the residual fuel amount too small to do damage.

3:31pm CDT Sun 2012 Sep 23 :MW

Disinformation Propaganda and Spin

There is a gap in the recording immediately after Romney’s now famous discussion of the 47% of voters who don’t pay taxes. The cut in the audio and video comes while Romney is in mid-sentence, so we actually do not have the full audio of what Romney said on the subject.

The next audio/video (Part 2) picks up with Romney talking about China.

11:52am CDT Sun 2012 Sep 23 :MW

Know the Enemy

taqiyyah, in Islam, the practice of concealing one’s belief and foregoing ordinary religious duties when under threat of death or injury…. “precautionary dissimulation” or “prudent fear” partly convey the term’s meaning of self-protection in the face of danger to oneself or, by extension and depending upon the circumstances, to one’s fellow Muslims. Thus, taqiyyah may be used for either the protection of an individual or the protection of a community….

11:57am CDT Sun 2012 Sep 23 :MW

Mass Media is Dead

In 1998 1988 there was no internet, there was no Drudge. No Fox News and Rush Limbaugh would only become national in August of that year and not the force of nature he is today.

Picture for a second if there were people attending rallies, writing articles, analyzing polls, recording what is actually being said and putting that information out to the entire world. If that was taking place in 1988 do you think for one moment the mask on the actual state of the Dukakis campaign would not have been torn off long before election day?

This is the state that we are in now. The left is playing the same function as they did that year, trying their best to create the illusion of a winning campaign for Obama when none exists, but today while the MSM attempts to hide the unpleasant realities from liberal, an Army of Davids behind keyboards & cameras are spreading the word (That would be a great title for a book). …

12:03pm CDT Sun 2012 Sep 23 :MW

US Military

Lt. Col. Christopher K. Raible was heading home to video chat with his wife after dinner when the first blasts rang out. The pops in the distance on Sept. 14 at Camp Bastion in southern Afghanistan were harbingers of the most audacious Taliban attack on a major NATO base in the decade-long war. … “The difference between me and some people is that when they hear gunfire, they run. When I hear gunfire, I run to it,” the squadron commander had often told his Marines half in jest, recalled Maj. Greer Chambless, who was with Raible on the night of the attack.

That evening Raible did just that.

5:11pm CDT Sun 2012 Sep 23 :MW

US Election 2012

"With so much at stake in this election, both Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan should 'go rogue' and not hold back from telling the American people the true state of our economy and national security," says Palin. "They need to continue to find ways to break through the filter of the liberal media to communicate their message of reform."

Palin also suggests that Romney and Ryan can be responsible for an epiphany on this country's fiscal standing. "America desperately needs to have a 'come to Jesus' moment in discussing our big dysfunctional, disconnected, and debt-ridden federal government," says Palin.

1:57pm CDT Sun 2012 Sep 23 :MW