Blog Heap of Links for the day 14 July 2012

Links in this view: 16


Muslim O

FAIL. Team Obama Invites Jews to Big Synagogue Campaign Stop – Misspells Israel

5:24pm CDT Sat 2012 Jul 14 :MW
Tired O

More than 20 people fainted at a hot Obama campaign rally tonight in Roanoke, Virginia.

Feeling their pain Barack Obama told his supporters to get medical assistance from the “paralegals” in the audience.

5:22pm CDT Sat 2012 Jul 14 :MW
Cutie-Pie O

For years the Obama Administration told us that the billions they were spending on green projects was meant to create permanent clean jobs. This week they said that the projects were not meant to create jobs. … For the record… 80% of DOE dollars spent on the Department of Energy’s loan guarantee program for clean energy companies went to Obama backers. Nineteen green companies went belly-up after receiving Obama dollars. [Video]

5:18pm CDT Sat 2012 Jul 14 :MW
Scary O

“So, just in case some of your friends or neighbors or, ya know, Uncle Jim who’s a little stubborn and been watching Fox News and, ya know, he thinks that somehow I raised taxes. Let’s just be clear. We’ve lowered taxes for middle class families since I came in office.”

Obama also claimed he lowered taxes… Even though he just signed into law the largest tax increase in history. There’s a four-letter word for people like Barack Obama – It starts with an “L” and ends with an “R”.

5:15pm CDT Sat 2012 Jul 14 :MW

Constitutional Threat

Tea Party activists didn’t appreciate Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) telling them, “if all you do is stand for the Constitution you will lose.”
Watch the fireworks: YouTube

5:12pm CDT Sat 2012 Jul 14 :MW

Disinformation Propaganda and Spin

It is our conclusion that both the victim and the aggressor in this confrontation were Democrat actors putting on a sham conflict put on right in front of the TV cameras to distract from Governor Pawlenty’s message and to portray us in a bad light.

5:08pm CDT Sat 2012 Jul 14 :MW

Democracy in Action

The Mexican electoral system is perhaps the most fraud-proof in the world. America's, by comparison, is a mess. … Mexico's system used to be a corrupt mess. The 1988 presidential election in Mexico was plagued with scandal and widespread corruption. Not wanting to put the country through another ordeal, the major parties agreed to create a non-partisan and non-governmental electoral commission that would conduct the voting process and ensure honest and fair elections. In 1990, the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) was created, and the first presidential election was held under the new rules in 2000. … Every eligible Mexican citizen has a tamper-proof photo-ID card with a thumbprint and an embossed hologram.

4:59pm CDT Sat 2012 Jul 14 :MW

Your Tax Dollars At Play

$ on fire

As we all know, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is totally about innovation. Just ask patent trolls like Patent Group LLC or Select Retrieval … or the company they sued, Or American entrepreneurs who are redirecting $30 billion a year from research and development to patent defense.

Nathan Myrvold would probably agree.

That’s why it makes perfect sense that the first satellite office in the USPTO’s entire 220 years of existence is opening in Detroit, Michigan.

4:38pm CDT Sat 2012 Jul 14 :MW

Pop Culture

[Photos from the con]

4:47pm CDT Sat 2012 Jul 14 :MW

Future is Now

Did you know that "small unmanned undersea vehicles were considered the main workhorses of the mine clearing effort during Operation Iraqi Freedom," or that submarine drones were "used in support of Hurricane Katrina recovery operations in 2005"? Debate on unmanned vehicles is focused on airplanes. But they're already operating on land and beneath the surface of the ocean.

The Pentagon intends for the trend to continue.

6:05pm CDT Sat 2012 Jul 14 :MW

US Election 2012

88 Wow. No one here seems to remember how awful Rice was. She was behind Bush's disastrous move leftwards in his second term. She was a failure as SecState. She was a pali supporter who compared their "plight" to that of blacks during Jim Crow. She made that laughable Road-Kill Map - which Israel only accepted with 14 reservations and the palis totally rejected and violated from the first day - which she pulled out every single time she said anything (usually stupid) about the mid-east. She pushed Israel to allow Hamas in the Gaza elections. She screwed up with Russia - allegedly her forte. She practically endorsed Barky while she was SecState and almost surely voted for the America-hating Retard.

Rice is an idiot. She was a total failure. She would be horrible for Mitt to pick, or even to muse about picking. Rice is a lefty who would be more at home running on the dem ticket. I am amazed that people forget all of these things (and more). She was an absolute disaster as SecState and is not conservative in any way, shape, or form.

9:44pm CDT Sat 2012 Jul 14 :MW

“four characteristics that make her the perfect choice for Romney’s running mate…” Foreign Policy Background… Executive Branch Experience… Likeability [heh, poor Mitt]… and Argument/Rhetoric… “Rice knows how to make her point clearly, in a concise and professional manner, and with passion.” [I guess I just bought into the conventional wisdom that she meant it when she said she wasn’t interested. Silly me.]

7:04pm CDT Sat 2012 Jul 14 :MW

I have followed the career of Mitt Romney since 1994. I have read every book about and by him, and I have studied every move he made in the land of my birth. This is why I am convinced Romney will choose Condi Rice for the vice presidency: Massachusetts history, inside baseball, tactics, and temperament.

5:57pm CDT Sat 2012 Jul 14 :MW

Former Democratic Representative Artur Davis addressed the Northern Virginia Tea Party on Monday. The tea party conservatives embraced the former Alabama Democrat after he gave a fiery defense of conservative Republican policies and rallied the crowd to defeat his one-time political ally, President Barack Obama. Davis invoked both the 1980 Reagan revolution and Rosa Parks, earning him a standing ovation and chants of “U.S.A.” from more than 100 gathered at a restaurant in a suburb just outside Washington, D.C. [Video]

5:20pm CDT Sat 2012 Jul 14 :MW
Smug O

The same SEC form from February 2001 that lists Mitt Romney as “sole shareholder, sole director, Chief Executive Officer and President of Bain Capital … the controlling person of Bain Capital” also lists over a dozen other managing directors of Bain Capital, Inc. -- all of whom were undoubtedly more active than Romney was during this period. And President Obama took money from many of them.

4:53pm CDT Sat 2012 Jul 14 :MW

The Boston Globe has broken the story that Mitt Romney remained CEO of Bain Capital until 2001, even though he has said he was not involved in deals after 1999… Obama campaign officials are treating this as huge breaking news, even suggesting criminality… Whatever else it was… it’s old news repackaged by the same newspaper which first published it a decade ago… Update: The Globe has taken down the story temporarily and will give partial credit to TPM and Mother Jones for a story The Globe originated a decade ago!

4:27pm CDT Sat 2012 Jul 14 :MW