Blog Heap of Links for the day 30 May 2011

Links in this view: 7


[Associated Press:] acting as healer-in-chief to a devastated community... [ABC News:] the nation's pastor [UUURRRKKKKKK!]

6:36am CDT Mon 2011 May 30 :MW

Transport Tragedy

The bus was filled with soccer fans coming home after watching a match in Seattle.... bus driver tried to change lanes to avoid a disabled pickup truck in the right lane... a passenger car was in the left lane... both the bus and the car then swerved to avoid each other, rolling in the process... Two people in the bus died... 21 injured...

6:32am CDT Mon 2011 May 30 :MW

Know the Enemy

reflect on what and who America's real enemies are. There are really only two principal answers to that...Islam and all those who enable it to further its raison d'etre of conquering the United States and the West, establishing a worldwide Islamic Caliphate and imposing Islamic Law, Sharia, on everyone. Among others, that includes Jihadists, so-called religious figures, businessmen, academics, 'ordinary citizens', leftists and Western politicians who are furthering its rise in their home countries and around the world, such as President Obama.

3:42pm CDT Mon 2011 May 30 :MW

Repeal! Repeal! Repeal!

HempThe Dutch government on Friday said it would start banning tourists from buying cannabis from "coffee shops" and impose restrictions on Dutch customers by the end of the year. [So much for liberty. Shouldn't something either be banned or not? What is the morality behind such goofy restrictions? None that's consistent or sensible. But we're talking about Law. European Law at that! Dutch European Law.] "In order to tackle the nuisance and criminality associated with coffee shops and drug trafficking, the open-door policy of coffee shops will end...." [Ummmm....]

7:14am CDT Mon 2011 May 30 :MW

US Military

US FlagFor more than two decades, a local Boy Scout troop has dedicated countless hours decorating the graves of military veterans at two community cemeteries in honor of Memorial Day. Bartlesville Boy Scout Troop 6 placed hundreds of American flags at the White Rose Cemetery and Memorial Park Cemetery earlier this week as a tribute to the men and women who have sacrificed for the country's freedom. "The Scouts look forward to this project every year," said Charles Lewis, Troop 6 scoutmaster. "In a way, it feels like we know the veterans themselves when we read the grave markings."

2:29pm CDT Mon 2011 May 30 :MW

US FlagNine NATO service members were killed Thursday in Afghanistan, including seven U.S. troops among eight who died when a powerful bomb exploded in a field where they were patrolling on foot, officials said. Two Afghan policemen also died and two others were wounded in the explosion in the mountainous Shorabak district of Kandahar province, 12 miles from the Pakistan border, said Gen. Abdul Raziq, chief of the Afghan border police in the province. "Two months ago, we cleared this area of terrorists, but still they are active there," Raziq said.

7:12am CDT Mon 2011 May 30 :MW


3 circles

Standardized Reference Committee Text Alterations to First Printing Function of the Standardized Reference Committee: Excerpt from the Standardized Reference Text Committee Draft Report, December 2008 Since the first edition of The Urantia Book was published in 1955, there have been a number of changes made over the years.

2:04pm CDT Mon 2011 May 30 :MW