How Does Revelation Succeed?
Workbook for the revelation?
Harold Sherman,
"psychic researcher"
and pop writer,
persona non grata
of the original UB study forum,
in one of his books,
describes his study of
the then-unfinished Urantia revelations,
and he rejects them.
Is it because of something they said?
No, it's because they
lack instructions
for psychic achievement!
Reminds me of how
movie critic Gene Siskel criticizes films
for what he thinks
they should have done instead.
Sherman griped that the new revelation
"presented no program
for individual spiritual development."
True in a way,
but don't we have
a wealth of such how-to books
cramming the shelves!
But note that key word…
I N D I V I D U A L !
If we were all alike,
one magic formula
might be enough!
Success for each soul
means something unique!
The "program" you need
is held by your spirit within!
that's how I read the UB!
It's okay by me!
According to the Urantia Papers
Thought adjusters arrive with
a definite and predetermined plan —UP110 §2 ¶1
which was worked out using a
Divinington virtual model of their subjects —UP108 §1 ¶8
A Brief review of the Revelation's Known History
Read online about
"Sherman's Rebellion."
A Response to Sherman by Clyde Bedell