Blog Heap of Links for the day 2 February 2018

Links in this view: 3

WW2 - still with us

…Yesterday was the 75th anniversary of the Soviet victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. Probably one of the most savage battles in modern history, if not all history and a major turning point in WW2. 5 months later at Kursk, the Nazis' fate was sealed.

1:20pm CST Fri 2018 Feb 2 :MW

Breitbart is Here


…On this day in 1887 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania the first Groundhog Day was observed. I suspect he whole thing started as a tourist gimmick. In any case the weather forecast for Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania today is cloudy with snow. So no shadow and an early Spring. Of course with global cooling going on since 1998 AOS Moron Vic predicts more snow and a late Spring.

Vic's hot links served up starting here.
12:43pm CST Fri 2018 Feb 2 :MW

…There are many more revelations coming from other sources that will completely unglue the already unglued Democrats faster than Palsi Pelosi's World War One surplus Dentu-Grip failed her crumby, novelty store wind-up teeth.…

J.J. Sefton waxes magnificently poetic.
12:20pm CST Fri 2018 Feb 2 :MW