Blog Heap of Links for the day 18 July 2016

Links in this view: 14

Wars and Rumors

…Muslim fired upon a police officer with an AK-47 — and the mainstream media is silent…

1:52pm CDT Mon 2016 Jul 18 :MW

Disinformation Propaganda and Spin

…My fellow Americans we can not continue allowing the Left to pull the same dirty trick on us to get their way. First, they launch a media blitz promoting a false reality about one of their agenda items. Then, the Left demands that we embrace their lie or suffer being branded divisive and haters.…

7:25am CDT Mon 2016 Jul 18 :MW

Murdering Scum

…Let’s recollect how poor Ms Kopechne lost her not-exactly-society-connected life on this, the 47th anniversary of her death.…

2:10pm CDT Mon 2016 Jul 18 :MW

Families Today

Jenna and Jillian were born in a 'one in 10,000 monoamniotic birth'. At the time when they were delivered, the twins immediately reached out to hold each other's hands…

2:08pm CDT Mon 2016 Jul 18 :MW

Breitbart is Here

6,000 detained after failed Turkish military coup, including commander of US-linked base…
Wounded fight for life in Nice as killer's brother tells of pre-attack call…
Kerry: ISIL ‘on the run’ despite attacks…

News headline links
2:05pm CDT Mon 2016 Jul 18 :MW

Why Turtles Evolved Shells: It Wasn't for Protection…
Why you should care that the Diablo Canyon nuke plants are being shut down…
Merkel Must Face Trial for War Crimes…

News, views, and info headline links
1:57pm CDT Mon 2016 Jul 18 :MW

Cleveland police union urges governor to suspend open-carry gun law…
5 big lies from Obama’s Dallas memorial service…
Cleveland Plans On Arresting Thousands…

News summaries and links
7:38am CDT Mon 2016 Jul 18 :MW

…Blacks and Muslims should be angry at their criminal cohorts, not at us.…

News analysis and links
7:29am CDT Mon 2016 Jul 18 :MW
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed

A former member of the Nation of Islam shot and killed three police officers in Baton Rouge before being shot to death himself. Several other policemen were wounded, one of them critically. The killer had made Internet videos raving against “crackers”, but Baton Rouge police say there appears to be no racial element to the murders.

In other news, the latest information on Mohamed Bouhlel, the man who committed the jihad massacre in Nice on Bastille Day, is that he sent €100,000 home to Tunisia just before he became a shahid. Information on his phone shows that he texted several friends (some of whom have been arrested) about his plans just before beginning his massacre. He reportedly also conducted sexual liaisons with both men and women via dating sites.…

News summaries with links
7:15am CDT Mon 2016 Jul 18 :MW

She already makes sense…
R.O.P. wonderful evangelism outreach…
Ooops! Did we do that?…

Headline news links, scrutible and in-.
6:21am CDT Mon 2016 Jul 18 :MW

…On this day in 1969 a drunken Ted Kennedy about to go boff his latest squeeze ran his car off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island and left the car in the water. Mary Jo Kappechne was later pulled from the car where they found evidence that she had been still alive and was trying to claw her way out. Good old Teddy had left the scene somehow thinking he could avoid the mess.…

6:17am CDT Mon 2016 Jul 18 :MW

US Election 2016

…A photo of Mike Pence enjoying a “quick dinner” with his family at one of the restaurant chain’s Big Apple locations has sparked countless accusations on social media that his daughter is a vampire.…

10:03pm CDT Mon 2016 Jul 18 :MW

…The challenges to the rules would have two big effects: 1, delegates would be unbound, but also 2, it would reject the consolidation of power in a whole host of areas in the RNC and Reince Priebus.… Annnnddd... this being the corrupt Republican Party you've learned to loathe, they ignored the fact that the signatures to force a role-call vote were present, and just held the voice vote, and immediately claimed "the ayes have it." Mike Lee is attempting to protest, calling out "Point of order! Point of order!," so they, get this, just turned off his microphone…

9:24pm CDT Mon 2016 Jul 18 :MW

…Police in Cleveland say they aim to avoid mass arrests at the protests planned for next week’s Republican National Convention, but preparations by the city’s courts to process up to 1,000 people a day have some civil rights activists worried.…

Hard to imagine, but it would be entertaining to see 1000 agitators a day taken off the streets. A laugh riot.
7:59am CDT Mon 2016 Jul 18 :MW