Blog Heap of Links for the day 22 July 2015

Links in this view: 9

Wars and Rumors

…While the media speculated his background and motive, his features, family Facebook, and connections were easy for us to establish that what we have here is a Palestinian pro-Hamas terrorist who went to Jordan and most likely got involved with ISIS affiliates.…

3:51pm CDT Wed 2015 Jul 22 :MW

Disturbing Family Patterns

Washington Post Changes Planned Parenthood Headline From ‘Organ Harvesting’ to ‘Research’

3:36pm CDT Wed 2015 Jul 22 :MW

Modern Family Life

…The doctor’s plan went into action on July 8th. The twins underwent a separation and reconstruction surgery with a team of around twenty physicians, nurses, and staff. After four hours, the separation was a success. … still face surgeries to repair the organ systems they once shared.

3:40pm CDT Wed 2015 Jul 22 :MW

Kids These Days!

Batman Logo

…The opening was sufficient for ventilation but it wasn't big enough for an adult to squeeze through and unlock the vehicle or retrieve the keys. This is when Ahmed, dressed as Batman, stepped forward — with his mother in hand — and offered to help.

"A policeman put his jumper down on the window to protect from the glass and Batman crawled in to fetch the keys," Iris' grandmother recalled. "He was a true superhero and I'm so grateful to him."…

9:44pm CDT Wed 2015 Jul 22 :MW

US Military

July 17, OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - After a deadly shooting at a military installation in Tennessee, Gov. Mary Fallin is authorizing the state's adjutant general to arm full-time Oklahoma National Guardsmen at military facilities in Oklahoma. Fallin issued an executive order on Friday granting Maj. Gen. Robbie Asher the authority to arm National Guard soldiers and airmen with whatever weaponry he deems necessary to adequately provide for their safety and security.…

3:52pm CDT Wed 2015 Jul 22 :MW

There’s been all sorts of political pundits commenting on the Iranian nuke deal announced yesterday. But sometimes the best commentary is made through just an image that is worth much more than a thousand words…

3:38pm CDT Wed 2015 Jul 22 :MW

US Military Casualties

Four Marines and a sailor were slain in the attacks on two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Some of them had deployed overseas and seen battle, others had not. Here is a look at the victims…

3:42pm CDT Wed 2015 Jul 22 :MW

Breitbart is Here

Pistol Pete

No frills,no rants,just the normal mix of good and bad…mostly bad.…

The Blog Heaper has been negligent in linking, among many sources, to Pistol Pete's posts on PoliNation. Hope to make up for that.
3:54pm CDT Wed 2015 Jul 22 :MW

…On this day in 1298 William Wallace was defeated by Edward The Longshanks at the battle of Falkirk.…

Vic has the news lined up for you, starting here.
7:30am CDT Wed 2015 Jul 22 :MW