Blog Heap of Links for the day 9 June 2015

Links in this view: 7

Wars and Rumors

…the Syrian Orthodox Church of St. Ephrem, which they emptied last fall, will reopen soon as the “mosque of the mujahideen” or jihad fighters. …

8:50am CDT Tue 2015 Jun 9 :MW

Constitutional Threat

Does the Army expect that there will soon be “disaster stricken” areas all over the country? As you will see in this article, a job advertisement has been posted on a federal website seeking workers that “will provide emergency support to disaster stricken areas throughout the US“.…

When the government advertised for help with an influx of immigrant children, we then got an influx of immigrant children. Now the government advertises for help with widespread disaster…
9:22am CDT Tue 2015 Jun 9 :MW

Economic Threat

Dollar Burning

…In 1912, one person who warned against the passage of the Aldrich Plan, was Alfred Owen Crozier: a man who saw how it would all play out, and even wrote a book titled “U.S. Money vs Corporation Currency” (costing 25 cents) explaining and predicting everything that would ultimately happen, even adding some 30 illustrations for those readers who were visual learners.

The book, which is attached at the end of this post, is a must read, but even those pressed for time are urged to skim the following illustrations all of which were created in 1912, and all of which predicted just what the current financial system would look like.…

9:31am CDT Tue 2015 Jun 9 :MW

It's All in Your Mind

…After decades of studying and working with tens of thousands of patients, researchers at the Mayo Clinic say they’ve cracked the code to being happy.… the first and foremost way to be happy is to focus our attention.… if we learn to command our thoughts, shifting perspective away from the negative, and embrace the positive, we will be happier…

So the secret of happiness is disciplining the emotions. And the secret of disciplining emotions is training the mind to focus on happiness. Wait…
9:16pm CDT Tue 2015 Jun 9 :MW

Headline of the Day

Helen Lovejoy

Another row over art has kicked off in France this week after a massive sculpture, supposedly representing the "vagina of a queen", has been installed on the gardens of the historic Versailles Palace.

Not much to add to that!
9:15am CDT Tue 2015 Jun 9 :MW

Breitbart is Here

Gates of Vienna Newsfeed

British Prime Minister David Cameron has warned ministers in his government that they must resign if they favor British withdrawal from the European Union. However, a group of 50 anti-EU Tory backbenchers has promised to lead a rebellion against Mr. Cameron if he does not secure major concessions in his current negotiations with Brussels.

In other news, the PEGIDA candidate for mayor of Dresden did surprisingly well in yesterday’s election, gaining almost 10% of the vote. …

News headline links and summaries
8:51am CDT Tue 2015 Jun 9 :MW
Vic is here with the news. All is right with the world, at least in that way.

…On this day in 1954 Joseph Welch, special counsel for the United States Army, lashed out at Senator Joseph McCarthy during hearings on whether Communism has infiltrated the Army giving McCarthy the famous rebuke, "You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"…

6:05am CDT Tue 2015 Jun 9 :MW