Blog Heap of Links for the day 15 July 2012

Links in this view: 5


Cutie-Pie O

And when we finally get the question answered of, “Where are Obama’s girlfriends?” all they can come up with is two. Bill must have had a serious chuckle over this: “Two girls over a few years…Heck, that’s a typical night out for me!”

12:22pm CDT Sun 2012 Jul 15 :MW

What books will be on the shelves in the Barack Obama Presidential Library? recently asked its readers to suggest appropriate titles. Here are some of the responses:

Half Black Like Me
Tax Hiker’s Guide to the Economy
Go Tell It on the Prompter
Greed Expectations
(more at link)

11:35am CDT Sun 2012 Jul 15 :MW

It's Only Money

In 2000, when the [Sacagawea dollar] coin was introduced, 5500 of them were given away in boxes of Cheerios as a promotion. Turns out that these Cheerios Dollars were slightly different than all the other Sacagawea Dollars. The tail feathers of the eagle on the reverse side of the coin had more details than the normal coin, and this made them more valuable. However, most of these Cheeries Dollars disappeared into circulation, and only around 70 of them have ever been found.

10:41am CDT Sun 2012 Jul 15 :MW

US Military

USA flag

As a senior in college in 2001, I was coming out of a morning class when I passed a television and saw two planes crash into the Twin Towers. That was the day I decided to join the military. I look back on that sunny September day, after two deployments and eight years in the military, and realize how naïve I was. Things then were black and white. After deployment, you realize there is no such thing as black and white. Just various shades of gray you try to sort through and understand. … Raised by a mother who holds two master’s degrees, I found it hard to imagine a place where educating girls was considered a crime. So it took me a while to get used to Afghanistan.

10:55am CDT Sun 2012 Jul 15 :MW

Defending Ourselves

In a bid to promote tourism in 2007, Israel's Foreign Ministry backed a public relations campaign showing former female soldiers in bikinis on its beaches [Need I add... pictures]

5:08pm CDT Sun 2012 Jul 15 :MW