Blog Heap of Links for the day 27 April 2011

Links in this view: 18


Our analysis of the latest controversy: The original birth certificate was probably in a 'negative' form, and someone at the White House took it upon themselves to doctor it up so he [sic] can be legible.

2:07pm CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

For decades, the hate-America left pounded away with the unrelenting theme that all of our investigating committees and agencies that exposed the enemies within must be silenced, defanged or abolished. "The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists" lays bare all the reasons for the pathological zeal with which that ultimately (mostly) successful wrecking-crew operation was pursued: The probes kept pointing to step-by-step infiltration of constituencies that favored the Democratic Party.

9:20am CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

The fact that he has been serving in that office would then be not only the most audacious hoax in world history — at least since the Trojan Horse. It also creates a constitutional crisis of the first magnitude that will take decades to straighten out.

9:10am CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

Friends of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin are hoping a few hundred people will show up to greet the jailed military doctor when he's released from prison and returns to Baltimore, Md., on May 14. Dr. Terry Lakin, an Army doctor who refused to deploy again to Afghanistan when his chain of command refused to verify that Obama legitimately is president, has been serving a six-month term at Ft. Leavenworth in Kansas.

9:05am CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

The White House today released a copy of President Obama's Certificate of Live Birth, a document that for the first claims Kapiolani Maternity Gynecological Hospital as the president's birth place. Released by the White House MORE to come

9:02am CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

Playing Politics

" has taken three years of national controversy for a sitting president to grudgingly dole out a milksop of compliance with the laws of the country, this is the best lesson from today."

8:12pm CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

Just hours before her arrest, the libtalker who disrupted Tuesday evening's town hall meeting with a Florida congressman took to the airwaves to rail against the freshman incumbent, looking to pack the event with fellow "progressives". ... In this opening segment, she disparagingly calls West a "tea-bagger", which has a obscene connotation.... it certainly is fascinating to see the same Democrats who furiously denounced conservative protestors at their meetings in 2010 exhibiting far more extreme behavior in 2011....

9:13am CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

U.S. Rep. Allen West's first town hall meeting since voting for a controversial Medicare proposal saw three hecklers removed -- one in handcuffs -- from a generally supportive crowd of about 500.... "What you have seen happen previously is you get such a line of people and a lot of folks want to come up and proseletyze for six or seven minutes and you're really not getting to the questions that people want to have answered," West said after the meeting. West, who has gone back and forth with critics at his previous meetings, said the written format was not an effort to avoid tough questions. "I don't duck," West said. During the meeting, West had responded to a question about Medicare when Nicole Sandler of Coral Springs, a former radio host on the liberal Air America network, began shouting from the audience. Other audience members began shouting at her and a police officer led her out....

9:12am CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

Sick, Sick, Sick

Children as young as eight are being raped in front of their families by Gaddafi's forces in Libya, according to a leading charity. Aid workers described horrific stories of widespread sexual abuse, including one incident in which a group of girls was abducted and held hostage for four days. When they were finally released, they were too traumatised to speak. Other children have described being forced to watch as their fathers were murdered and their mothers raped.

9:22am CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

Humans can be Dangerous

Still visible on the remains of the gutted barn's walls Tuesday were spray-painted epithets such as "f-gs are freaks" and "burn in hell," the newspaper reported. Because Whitehouse is gay and fire marshals determined the blaze was arson, the scrawlings were enough for authorities to launch an investigation into whether a hate crime had been committed. The value of the horses was said to be in hundreds of thousands of dollars but Whitehouse, who owns an insurance company in the tiny village in southeastern Ohio, was hurt far more by the loss of Elvis, Barney, Love, Bella and Ethel, Floyd and Princess and her week-old foal, Buddy.

9:25am CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

April Madness

GOLDEN, Colo. --The man suspected of trying to bomb Southwest Plaza Mall is scheduled to make his first appearance in federal court Wednesday.

2:02pm CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

An off-duty Atlanta police officer got into a scuffle with a woman and punched her in the face, and the early morning incident at an IHOP was captured on video....

9:06am CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

Know the Enemy

A former Guantanamo detainee "was identified as an Iraqi intelligence officer who relocated to Afghanistan (AF) in 1998 where he served as a senior Taliban Intelligence Directorate officer in Mazar-E-Sharif," according to a recently leaked assessment written by American intelligence analysts. The former detainee, an Iraqi named Jawad Jabber Sadkhan, "admittedly forged official documents and reportedly provided liaison between the governments of Afghanistan and Iraq."

9:04am CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

Nudity can be Dangerous

Sila Sahin has been branded a "whore" and a "western slut" after appearing topless on the cover of the German edition of the men's magazine.

9:23am CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

Animal Culture

"The calf came out - heads first - and my wife fell to the floor when she saw the two heads and four eyes." ... The calf's two heads point in almost opposite directions. Both heads have their own eyes, nose and mouth but only three ears between them. Dong said the two-headed calf can't stand unaided so his 16-year-old granddaughter Jinfeg is bottle-feeding it with sheep milk.

9:02am CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

Sarah Palin 2012

Sarah Palin 45x45The leftists were and are gung-ho on promoting their own kind. They don't use the word eugenics anymore, they engage in "political satire" and when challenged ask "are you too stupid to get it?" Trig Palin's existence must irk them to no end. The so-called champions of the dispossessed, the marginalized, and the weak can't hide their eugenic roots when a real bona fide "strain on society's resources" shows up. Couple that with the fact that his parents didn't attend Princeton or Yale and it's no wonder they feel emboldened.

2:57pm CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

Sarah Palin 45x45Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, once embarrassed by CBS Evening News Anchor Katie Couric when asked what newspapers and magazines she reads, offered the CBS Evening News anchor well wishes tonight when asked about Couric's forthcoming departure from her broadcast. "I think I read that in a newspaper, one of many newspapers that I read online...."

9:14am CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW

Free Expression

A lawsuit has been filed in California to protect the rights of three men who were arrested after being accused of "impeding an open business" even though the "business" was the local department of motor vehicles, and it was closed. Oh, and the men were standing at least 50 feet from the entrance, impeding no one.... The arrests happened on Feb. 2, 2011, when the assistant pastor from Calvary Chapel of Hemet and two church elders went to the public property. Mackey then started reading the Bible aloud.... He was arrested less than 30 minutes later, and the two others were arrested a short time after that, even though they had not actually been reading the Bible aloud. The men believed they had a First Amendment right to free speech and they were standing in a planter in the parking lot and were on public property. A member of the California Highway Patrol approached Mackey, grabbed his Bible and arrested him.... "The arresting officer could find no appropriate penal code to use when arresting these men. The purpose of the arrests appears to have been to censor them...."

9:16am CDT Wed 2011 Apr 27 :MW