Is there anything like 'em?
Is there anything
in human religious myth
quite likeMIDWAYERS
in human religious myth
quite like
Undying semi-physical superhuman
offspring of ancient demi-gods.
Potential (and one-time) invaders of human mind,
manipulators of matter.
In contact with angels.
Our cousins in origin,
our hosts on-planet
as we swiftly pass by.
There are only tens of thousands of them,
a constant
against our steadily-increasing billions.
What is their daily life like?
What is their music like?
How do they see butterflies?
Other UB Comix Midwayer interactions:
There Are No Accidents
Just Think…!
The Vault Trick
I Saw a Midwayer
A Thought About Midwayers
There Are No Accidents
Just Think…!
The Vault Trick
I Saw a Midwayer
A Thought About Midwayers