Mysteries of Sevens (lo-res)
1-2-3-4-5-6-7, all good children go to heaven.
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Urantia Papers links lead to the Urantia Foundation site.
Absolutes of Infinity Foreword, §3, pg4
Triunities UP104, §4, pg1147
Sacred Paradise Spheres UP13, pg143
Master Spirits UP16, pg184
Reflective Spirits UP116, §4, pg1272
Universal Mysteries UP17, §3, pg200
Seconaphim UP28, §3, pg307
Their Services UP28, §4, pg308
Supreme Executives UP17, §1, pg198
Supreme Spirit Groups UP17, pg197
Supreme Power Directors UP24, §7, pg271
Havona Circuit Spirits UP17, §5, pg202
Superuniverses UP15, pg164
Grand Universe Sub-Divisions UP15, §2, pg166
Superuniverse Circuits UP15, §9, pg177
Superuniverse Executive Groups UP15, §10, pg178
First Source Relates to Universe Foreword, §III, pg5
Deity Function Levels Foreword, §I, pg2
Higher Spirit Influences UP194, §2, pg2062
Adjutant Mind-Spirits UP36, §5, pg401,
Lamps burning before the throne REV 4:5
Psychic Circles UP110, §6, pg1209
Relative perfection phases Foreword, §I, pg3
Usages for the word God Foreword, §II, pg4
Space contitions and motions and
Havona Worlds Circuits UP14, §1, pg152
Atoms & Colors UP42, §9, pg480
Epochally Revealed Commandments UP93, §4, pg1017
Commandments Inspired Week UP66, §7, pg751
Crucial Years of Rebellion UP67, §3, pg756
Stages of Civilization UP50, §5, pg576
Chaldean Universe Circles UP85, §5, pg947
Zoroaster's Gods UP95, §6, pg1049
Ways to Salvation UP101, §6, pg1112
Otherworldly Prayers UP144, §5, pg1621
Planetary Mortal Epochs UP52, pg589
Stages of Light & Life UP55, §4, pg627
Settled World Administrators UP55, §3, ¶13, pg626
Mansion Worlds UP47, pg530
Ultimate Identity Dimensions UP130, §7, pg1439
May 1995:
All those tiny numbers
are page references to The Urantia Book,
which is still ©1955 Urantia Foundation,
so they tell me.
It's looking shaky now, though.
Mary Jo actually came up with
some of the best ideas this issue.
Thanks, M.J.
Yes, I know some symbols are
sexist, eurocentric, beardocentric,
and Judeo-christicentric.
They're also Uranticentric,
and Supremicentric.
So what?
This has been exhausting.Next issue (if there is one),I'm going for fun!
Correction to issue #6:
McDonald's is in Highwood IL,
not Northbrook IL.