Blog Heap o'Transport Links 12 March 2015

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Blog-Heap links regarding transportation and related infrastructure,
also energy, because it takes energy to transport,
and virtuality, because telepresence saves on transpresence.

Digital Future is Now

"Iron Man" Gives 7yo Real Bionic Arm
Leon Siciliano, Telegraph UK Thu 2015 Mar 12, 7:42pm

…Alex has two favourite things, riding his bike and superheroes. But Alex has a birth defect, his right arm is only partially formed making it difficult to ride his bike. Limbitless… builds 3D-printed bionic limbs for disabled children… enlisted a fairly special friend to [give Alex his bionic arm].

[I can imagine a 7yo thinking, I know he's just an actor who plays genius inventor Tony Stark in the movies, but he brought me a real bionic arm! Don't know which is cooler, that I've got a bionic arm, or that I got it from Iron Man!]

[Video, 2:19, officevideos on YouTube]

Transport Near-Tragedy

OKC 8yo Drives 20 Miles
Rachelle Blidner , New York Daily News Thu 2015 Mar 12, 7:16pm

"A deaf 8-year-old boy went on an overnight joyride through Oklahoma City, driving 20 miles before crashing into a curb on the other side of the city Thursday…"

[He couldn't hear the sirens?]