Geographic Jollies

They saw a sign directing them to "Heavener."

H sweater letter

A Mindful Webworker comments on Arlo and in reply to: Mike in Missouri discussing place-name pronunciations, especially regarding Cairo, Illinois, "the old time rivermen call it KAY-ro (which the locals don’t like)"

Mike in Missouri, my Illinois-native wife must be an “old time riverman,” because she allus tol’ me it was KAY-ro, but at least I won’t spend a night in jail. Wasn’t Cairo, IL, the original “final home” before the locals helped the JW’s decide that Salt Lake City would be more hospitable?*

Over here in Oklahoma, you have Miami, which of course is My-AM-uh. ‘Nuff said.

Decades ago, a relative described driving his new furriner wife around south-eastern Oklahoma. They saw a sign directing them to “Heavener.” My religiously starry-eyed but geographically challenged relative exclaimed to his bride, Why! We’re “heaven-ers!” So they drove into town, asked a local how you pronounce the name of the town, and skee-daddled out of there when they heard him welcome them, of course, to “HEAVE-nurr”.

* No, that was Mormons, and it was Nauvoo, IL.