Heap o' Links Thu Jun 10, 2021

Links and stuff

J.J. Sefton's A♠ Morning Report - Thu Jun 10, 2021
Mon-Fri, best news links source on the web

Bits & Bytes - Thu Jun 10, 2021
chrissy on PoliNation, news, views, and links to amuse
h/t A♠ Morning Report
c/o Daily Wire

A Chinese woman who suffered under the brutal Communist Chinese regime of Mao Tse-Tung vehemently denounced Loudoun County’s School board in Virginia for its championing of Critical Race Theory, charging, “All of this seems very familiar … the only difference is they used class instead of race. … This is, indeed, the American version of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.”

America's "Cultural Revolution"
fightforschools @fightforschools, Twitter, Jun 9, 2021 (1:02)

h/t bonhomme on A♠

DailyCaller has a fantastic supercut of the liar media repeating the line that Trump directed police and Secret Service to gas and shoot protesters with rubber bullets so that he could have a "photo op in front of a church."

Well, the Inspector General just released a report debunking that.

Report: Park Police didn’t clear Lafayette Square protesters for Trump visit
When the U.S. Park Police led law enforcement officers into a crowd of mostly peaceful protesters outside Lafayette Square on June 1, 2020, including officers equipped with chemical irritants and officers on horseback, they did so as part of a plan made days earlier to build a fence around the park to protect officers, not to facilitate the visit minutes later by President Donald Trump to a nearby church, an inspector general’s report released Wednesday concluded.

The report also found that D.C. police officers fired tear gas at protesters as they moved away from the park toward 17th Street, the Park Police did not deploy tear gas on June 1, but did on previous days, and Bureau of Prisons officers fired pepper spray munitions from the park without provocation during the clearing. Investigators also found that the audio warnings issued by the Park Police before the operation were not widely heard by the crowd and mostly ineffective.


h/t bonhomme on A♠
Mass Murderer Self-Identifies as "Science"
Justin Hart @justin_hart, Twitter, Jun 9, 2021 (0:45)

h/t PoliNation
Facebook Fact-checks Satire
Missing Context

The article linked by the fact checker notes the emails were not leaked, but obtained through a FOIA request.

h/t Tami on A♠
Trump: I have been proven right (once again)

Dr. Fauci likes to say that he is “science,” when in fact he is merely science fiction!

Dave in Fla on A♠:

Hospital in Buffalo refused to prescribe Inver (however it is spelled) to a dying patient. Her son went to court and had to get a court order to force the hospital to accept the prescription provided by the woman's primary physician.

After 3 doses she went from death watch to going home.

h/t Darrell Harris on A♠
After judge orders hospital to use experimental Covid-19 treatment, woman recovers

Facepalm“There are some indications that this drug may have some merit in treating Covid-19 ... Yes, it is possible that it helped this woman,” Russo said. “But the trials and testing are ongoing. We don’t have definitive data yet to show it does help. Presently, it is not recommended as a treatment for Covid-19.”

h/t Anonosaurus Wrecks on A♠
🐮 The Next Big Crisis: Cow Burps

The University of California found that a single cow can produce 220 pounds of methane annually, and 95% of that comes from the cow's burps.… Zelp Ltd., a U.K. start up, has developed. …a burp-catcher for cows.… this is a smart-mask. Made for cow shaming.…

I foresee a problem in economy of scale here.