Heap o' Links Mon Jul 5, 2021

Links and stuff

J.J. Sefton's A♠ Morning Report - Mon Jul 5, 2021
Mon-Fri, best news links source on the web

Bits & Bytes - Mon Jul 5, 2021
chrissy on PoliNation, news, views, and links to amuse
h/t Skip on A♠
Further evidence (if you need it) of Biden’s increasing dementia
Andrea Widburg, American Thinker, Jul 4, 2021

Those of Joe Biden’s public behaviors that align with classic dementia symptoms are escalating. In the past few days, he strongly exhibited two symptoms: A type of belligerence that’s a cover-up for confusion and memory loss and a paranoid fear of those in charge of him.

I used to spend a lot of time in the company of doctors. What always fascinated me were the tales they told of dealing with patients with early-stage dementia. The most interesting point they made was that elderly people, so as not to lose face or admit their own fears, are superb at deflecting the questions aimed at assessing their cognitive skills and memory.…

h/t Tami on A♠
Biden has to pull out notes to answer question on Russia
RNC Research @RNCResearch, Twitter, Jul 3, 2021

h/t Happy Fourth of July!
chrissy on PoliNation, memes and links

“Ours was the first revolution in the history of mankind that truly reversed the course of government, and with three little words: ‘We the people.’ … Almost all the world’s constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are. Our Constitution is a document in which ‘We the people’ tell the government what it is allowed to do.” —Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)

Police incited the Jan. 6 riot
chrissy on PoliNation

On January 6, Capitol Police fired flash grenades and rubber bullets at peaceful protesters who were BEHIND the barriers. They were not on the Capitol steps; they were not menacing anyone with weapons. There were children, veterans and seniors in the tightly packed crowd. Flash bang grenades in close range can cause hearing loss, eye damage, and other injuries.… Emerging evidence suggests police intentionally agitated protesters to provoke bad behavior, including verbal and physical attacks on law enforcement. And now they’re using cherry picked clips of their video stash that show only the angry responses protesters had to being attacked to keep protesters incarcerated indefinitely.…

Happy Insurrection Day from these patriotic ladies. Some likely NSFW.
Ninety Miles from Tyranny