Heap o' Links Fri May 7, 2021

Links and stuff

J.J. Sefton's A♠ Morning Report - May 7, 2021
Mon-Fri, best news links source on the web

h/t FenelonSpoke on A♠
HERE is Your Boycott List of All of the Liberal Agenda Corporations
Matthew Holloway, InlandNWReport

Do the businesses that you support everyday support you? Or do they work against your ideals, your principles and your goals for our nation? With the internet in your pocket there really isn’t much of an excuse anymore. Sometimes its’ hard to do, sometimes it just isn’t feasible (try boycotting Walmart… its rough.), but if every American was just a bit more cognizant and thoughtful in their spending, we’d see a lot of change, very quickly.

h/t Skip on A♠
c/o Doug Ross
Florida Vote Security