Blog Heap of Links for the day 7 September 2018

Links in this view: 3

Business Wisdom


…The news of both departures came hours after CEO Elon Musk smoked weed on Joe Rogan’s podcast. Tesla’s stock price dropped as much as 10 percent Friday morning…

What th…?
11:10am CDT Fri 2018 Sep 7 :MW

Breitbart is Here


…on this day in 1979 the Chrysler Corporation asked the United States government for US$1.5 billion to avoid bankruptcy. This worked for a while until 2009 when they went into bankruptcy once again. Obama bailed them out and then gave the company to the unions who then gave it Fiat where it is now. The only people who lost money were the stockholders who Obama literally cheated out of their compensation and the public taxpayers. The stockholders sued but a shitty blackrobe said they had no standing.

Vic's links and comments are ready when you are.
10:09am CDT Fri 2018 Sep 7 :MW
Ace of Spades

…In the lead is the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, which in reality were staged as a combination nominee character assassination, anti-Trump rally and 2020 Democrat prexy promotion. We also have the Anonymously-penned NY Times Op-Ed in which an alleged high-level administration official proclaims he's working to sabotage the presidency as well as calling for others of his ilk to do the same.…

It's not easy to corral the news, but JJ's a master news corraller.
9:12am CDT Fri 2018 Sep 7 :MW