Blog Heap of Links for the day 5 September 2018

Links in this view: 5

Political Theater

…Considering all of the dossier’s unusual aspects, I decided to take a little time and do a deeper dive into its structure and content. In this post, I’ll demonstrate how by using readily available OSINT tools and techniques, video analytics, and writing style analysis, we can pinpoint the likely sources, methods, and the individuals involved in the creation and distribution of this document.

I would like to apologize for the lengthy and somewhat overwhelming amount of detail in this write-up. Contrary to common belief, the truth is rarely concise, pure, and never simple.…

From March 2018
5:02pm CDT Wed 2018 Sep 5 :MW

War is Hell

…Prisoner 4859 was a volunteer for Auschwitz. We will tell you his story, as others have tried to erase him from history. His heroism was largely unknown for 50 years, but he is truly a hero.…

4:48pm CDT Wed 2018 Sep 5 :MW

Raising Ourselves

…Experts often tell us that actions are a product of our genetics and environment. Happiness, health, and success correlate with biological or external realities. We can’t escape them, but we must cope with them. Turns out, that’s only part of the story. We have a secret weapon to take back ownership of our fates.

Self-control. …

4:30pm CDT Wed 2018 Sep 5 :MW

Breitbart is Here


…On this day in 1836 Sam Houston was elected the first president of the Republic of Texas. Too bad they later became part of the United States. If they had not I would now be a resident of TX.

Vic is in a foul mood today. Must've read his own news links.
8:59am CDT Wed 2018 Sep 5 :MW
Ace of Spades

…Midweek and day 2 of the Democrat staged show trial, flea circus and camera whoring cum soundbite generating opportunity - otherwise known as the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings - is on tap. In case you missed it, the entire thing was a pre-planned and orchestrated attempt by the Democrats to create a scene and somehow delay the inevitable while auditioning and burnishing the credentials of their potential 2020 presidential candidates.…

JJ is here to kick names and take butt and he's all out of gum.
8:29am CDT Wed 2018 Sep 5 :MW